Saturday, 28 April 2012

Don't stand for it guys!

If there is one thing 1 thing I don't stand for in real life and on MSP it's BULLING it's really hurtful. I've gone through bullying in my life time here is the story:
I am 11 and I was 11 when it happened. I started Yr 7. But because if my height I got teased. But there was nothing wrong with my height. I was just a tad smaller then the rest. And so people in yr 9 decided to tease me. So I made a stand! I went and told there head of yr. and he made sure they got what they came for! A detention and after that time they have never needed with me again as I now say 'U hit the wroong girl'
But on msp bullying is a bigger problem then it was in August last ur ( when I joined) people didn't care all tht much of u had a gf, even though she is just another BFF!
But some people are becoming more jugdey and think its 'ok' to tease people it's not! So shut ur big fat gobs unless what u say aint nice!!

And I hope the 3 BFF thing does come to msp cause when it does I won't need a gf nuzhat can be another BFF in a BFF slot :D

Baii xxx

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